Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Week 9

There will be no posts for this week, as I will be away.

Week 8; Day 5-The Fruit of Unfailing Love

Today's Treasure: "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and showers righteousness on you." -Hosea 10:12

Today's exercise at the beginning of the lesson serves as food for thought.  It made me think about my own beliefs regarding God's love for me, and my behavior in general.  For today, I will write my responses for the exercise:

A chid who believes she is loved... is secure, is obedient, trusts, is loving to others, believes in that love.
A child who does not believe she is loved...misbehaves, craves attention, looks for love in different places, is angry, seeks approval.

Question 1:What were the 5 endings you provided t the incomplete sentences, where you offered your own thoughts contrasting two children: one who believes she is loved, and the one who does not.
Question 2: Read John 15:9. Since we know God loves us unfailingly at all times, what do you think "abiding" or "remaining" in God's love means?

Week 8; Day 3-The Fullness of Unfailing Love

Today's Treasure: "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." -Psalm 90:14

What most stood out to me about this lesson was learning that whatever God does for me, whatever He decides, it can only be out of His love for me.  I think that sometimes this can be difficult to accept and understand in its entirety.  Many times in church we hear about God's love for us, but it's usually in reference to His crucifixion.  I think that this is a vital thing to learn early on in our Christian walk b/c it directly affects our perspective.  A change in perspective can make all the difference.

Question 1: Can you think of a time when you were suddenly awash with the magnitude of God's love for you personally?

Friday, August 1, 2014

Week 7; Day 5-God's Daily Rule

Today's Treasure: "O Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress." -Isaiah 33:2

It's interesting that Beth Moore states that much of obedience is based on trust.  Even though some of us have been 'walking with God' for a long time, and even experience daily fellowship with Him, we don't always trust Him. Maybe we trust Him with certain aspects of our lives, but can't seem to entrust Him with other parts.  This is a daily struggle, and as such, something to pray about daily as well.

Question 1: Explain why Jeremiah said walking with God is so much wiser and personally fulfilling than asking God to walk with us.
Question 2: What is your biggest temptation when you don't feel that God is illuminating your way clearly?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 6; Day 5- To Live Happily Ever After

Today's Treasure: "Come and share your master's happiness!" -Matthew 25:21

In my bible study recently, we talked about being hopeful. About being ready for God's return, and our entrance into heaven.  That is our eternal hope, that one day we will live in heaven and not have any troubles, fears, sadness, sickness or anxiety, just to name a few.  Personally, I'm not one to dream, so this lesson was interesting to read through.  To think that God wants to surpass our dreams is difficult to swallow, especially if you gave up and stopped dreaming. I never thought about the differences between being blessed  and being happy, but there truly is a difference. We might not always be happy in life, but we certainly are blessed on a daily basis, even if it doesn't always appear that way.

Question 1: Read John 13:3-17. What result did Christ guarantee if His followers put into practice what He demonstrated to them?
Question 2: Can you think of a time when you sensed the fullness and favor of God but would not characterize the time as happy?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Week 6; Day 3-To Be Beautiful

Today's Treasure: "How beautiful you are my darling! Oh, how beautiful!"- Song of Songs 4:1

We live in a society that's very superficial, and where everyone feels the need to voice their opinion on everything, including people's looks, even if it's negative.  Insecurities can be a stronghold in our lives, because as Beth Moore says, they don't allow us to live freely or abundantly.  Some of us are insecure about our faces, our bodies, our hair etc., and those feelings can take a toll on our perspective about not only ourselves but life.  It's hard to feel "beautiful" if you don't think you are.  It's also challenging sometimes to believe what God has to say about us. With most things, it starts with our way of thinking.

Question 1: What is far more profound than a man and a woman coming together in marriage?
Question 2: Read Song of Songs 5:10-16. In the eyes of His beloved, which will be you, how will Christ look?

Week 6; Day 1-Ashes Instead of Honor

Today's Treasure: "Tamar put ashes on her head and tore the ornamented robe she was wearing. She put her hand on her head and went away, weeping aloud as she went." -2 Samuel 13:19

The story of Tamar is a very upsetting one, however, not surprising. When it comes to women and sexuality, women are always getting oppressed or violated in some way. I'm sure the story of Tamar is one that many women can relate to. She wasn't even safe from the men in her own family. On page 129, Beth Moore asks us what we think Tamar may have been like at 40 years old. I responded that she was probably bitter and alone, but I'm sure the emotional scarring was a lot more profound than that.

Question 1: In what ways did Tamar symbolize and express her grief?
Question 2: What is your personal opinion regarding the advice Absalom gave Tamar?